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Equipment Lending Library

Equipment Lending Library

Thanks to the generous support of the Cornell University Biotechnology Program, CIBT has over 30 kits and models that have been developed for use in classrooms. Teachers who have participated in our summer institutes and in regional workshops can borrow kits FREE of CHARGE! The kits are shipped from our Ithaca location to the school and back. Local teachers are encouraged to contact us for pickup before or after school.

  • Only active CIBT alumni may request kits via the new on-line system. Active alumni are alumni that have participated in a CIBT workshop or Return to Campus event within the last three years.
  • All kits must be reserved two weeks in advance of when you will need them.
  • You need to have specific training to borrow the DNA Electrophoresis, Protein Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, and Wolbachia kits. We offer workshops for equipment training several times a year.
  • You can still reserve multiple kits, but each individual kit must be reserved separately.
  • You are taking responsibility for the contents of the kits. Failure to return to the kit in good condition, late or without a survey may result in loss of privileges.
  • You must fill out the survey and content lists included with the kits.

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Spice Lab Kit - Middle/High School

This lab activity demonstrates the antibacterial properties of certain herbs and spices to students. Using nutrient agar, petri dishes, sterile inoculating loops, and various spices, they learn that some spices can actually inhibit bacterial growth.

Kit contains:

  • 4 sleeves of 20 small petri dishes
  • 7 bags of 10 inoculating loops
  • 9 bottles of nutrient agar (125 mL each)
  • 4 small containers of assorted spices:
    • Paprika
    • Cinnamon
    • Sage/Oregano
    • Nutmeg/Cloves
  • 1 blue light
  • 1 Glo-Germ® pump bottle
  • Spice Lab manual

Teachers must supply:

  • Control bacteria, if desired (the following are available through Ward's and are not dangerous to humans: Bacillus, Vibrio, E. coli, Serratia)
  • Plastic spoons
  • Forceps (optional)
  • Rubbing ethanol (optional)
  • Water bath or microwave
  • Tape or Parafilm®
  • Antibacterial soap
Spice Lab Kit - Middle/High School

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