Workshops & Summer Programs
Workshops & Summer Programs

The summer programs run by CIBT are supplemented by special workshops held throughout the year. CIBT also participates in state and local conferences and exhibits.
- New and Pre-Service Teachers
- Return to Campus Workshops (Spring & Fall)
- Summer Workshops
- Alumni Workshop
- Corning Community College October Workshop
- New York City Science Sampler Series
New and Pre-Service Teachers
This annual workshop held over the weekend of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is specifically designed for new teachers K-12 (generally pre-tenure) and pre-service teachers (students enrolled in a college or university program leading to certification in secondary education). This workshop introduces teachers to CIBT labs that require minimal preparation and to other Cornell outreach groups.
» 2011 New & Pre-Service
Return to Campus Workshops (Spring & Fall)
Twice a year, CIBT organizes a 1-day workshop on campus for teachers. These workshops feature talks by Cornell researchers, hands-on workshops given by alumni teachers and outreach groups and a lab equipment and supply give-a-way.
» 2010 Return to Campus Workshops
Summer Workshops
These workshops bring teachers together every summer to learn about recent research in biology and to promote interactions between teachers and Cornell scientists. Each workshop includes talks from Cornell research scientists, hands-on lab and field activities, and opportunities for teachers to interact with other teachers and Cornell researchers. The workshops are held on the Cornell campus in Ithaca, NY during July. These summer workshops, as well as all other CIBT-sponsored activities, are free of charge, thanks to funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The workshops are open to teachers from any location, with preference given to teachers from New York State and surrounding states. Participants earn a small stipend and are provided with housing at no cost.
Alumni Workshop
Corning Community College October Workshop
This workshop is held the Friday before the Columbus Day holiday. CIBT, in partnership with CCC offers a 1-day workshop to teachers with a different topic each year. The workshop consists of talks by scientists and hands-on lab sessions. A continental breakfast, lunch and in-service credit are provided.
New York City Science Sampler Series
Twice a year (October and March), the Cornell outreach groups offer a 1-day workshop for teachers at Cornell Weill Medical Center in New York City. The day consists of an introductory talk by a Cornell scientist and a number of workshop sessions. Participants are given breakfast and lunch and a $20 stipend.
Information on previous workshops can be found at the Cornell Center for Materials Research website.
CIBT has presented for many years at the Science Teachers Association of New York State. Look for us in 2011!