About CIBT
The Cornell Institute for Biology Teachers was created in 1989 to support high school biology teachers through workshops, computer acquisition and training and an equipment lending library. CIBT was the creation of Dr. Rita Calvo, a senior lecturer in genetics at Cornell and Dr. Peter Bruns, Director of the Division of Biological Sciences. They worked with master teachers from New York State to identify the challenges facing biology teachers in the late 80’s and 90’s.
Since 1994, the Institute has expanded to include middle level and elementary science materials.

CIBT is interested in becoming a partner with participating teachers. The elements of the current program are:
Summer Institutes:
Summer Institutes for teachers are held each year on the Ithaca campus. Participating teachers are housed in Cornell housing and receive a per diem to cover the cost of food. The intensive institutes provide teachers with current information in modern biology, experience with CIBT lab and classroom activities, access to Cornell scientists and science facilities, and the opportunity to interact with fellow teachers.
Academic Year Encounters:
Return to Campus Events:
Alumni of CIBT programs are invited to return to Ithaca in the fall and spring for one-day workshops that consist of faculty lectures and hands-on lab sessions. Teachers who have developed classrooms materials are invited to share them during a workshop session. The day concludes with a lab equipment and supply give-away.
Classroom Visits:
CIBT staff members are available to come to alumni teachers classrooms to present labs. Our off-campus outreach coordinator, is responsible for offering equipment intense molecular biology labs, including DNA profiling, Protein Gel Electrophoresis, and PCR.

Cornell Visits:
A limited number of opportunities are available for teachers to bring their classes to Cornell for a day of science activities. CIBT works closely with other outreach groups to provide a number of activities for student visits.
Equipment Lending Library:
Thanks to funding from New York State, CIBT is able to provide alumni teachers with equipment, models and other kits. The kits are shipped free of charge both ways to the school. Teachers are required to reserve kits 2 weeks in advance of shipping and to fill out a survey with data on their classrooms. There are XX kits available for reservation.
Lab Development:
Teachers interested in working with a Cornell scientist to develop new classroom materials are encouraged to contact us.