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Apr 13 2014 - Vegevaders™ is a board game that allows students to experience through game-play the continuing co-evolution between plants and their microbial pathogens that occurs during the battle to detect/defend (plants) versus evade/invade (pathogens). This battle is ongoing in nature over evolutionary time and observable in agricultural fields from one season to another, where crop choice or agricultural biotechnology can quickly alter plants in response to changes in pathogen populations. In Vegevaders™, the teacher shows the provided PowerPoint presentation, teaching the underlying biology as well as the rules for game play and scoring. Students play in pairs, plant versus pathogen, on a play mat with 4 sets of cards that represent different pathogen molecules or plant receptors.

One 45-minute class period is enough to play a basic version of the game, but a double period (90 minutes) will allow enough time for playing several seasons of the game with follow up discussion.

The link to materials and detailed information is at:

hhmi nystar college